Ijams Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Ijams Nature Center exists to protect the public trust.
The Board’s duties are governance, including financial- and mission-related oversight and fund development. Board composition includes appointed members from the City of Knoxville, Knox County, Knoxville Garden Club, and Knox County Council of Garden Clubs. Members at large serve two, three-year terms. The Board meets at Ijams bi-monthly.
President: Andy Oakes, UBS
Treasurer: Celia Winchester, Winchester Consulting
Secretary: Susanne Hauk, The Trust Company of Tennessee
Sherri Lee, Retired Chair of the Board, Southeast Service Corporation
Rachel Butzler, Deputy Director, City of Knoxville Public Service Department
Carson Dailey, Knox County Commissioner, Ninth District
Sheryl Ely, Director, City of Knoxville Parks & Recreation
Nancy Howell, University of Tennessee, Representative, Knox County Council of Garden Clubs
Matthew Kellogg, Appalachian Mountain Bike Club
Tiffany Siler, Representative, Knoxville Garden Club
Joseph Mack, Senior Director, Knox County Parks & Recreation
Tommy Smith, Vice-Mayor and City Council Commissioner, First District, City of Knoxville
Jodie Birdwell, TVA
Samma Bromley, Harper Auto Square
Ashley Capps, Big Ears Festival
Ramsey Cohen, Clayton
Oly Cumpian, Body Liberation with Oly
Mike Glover, M.D., Retired
Anna Kern, InsideTrack
Martha Kern, Strong Stock Farm
Anabel Lino, Apex Bank
Gary McCracken, UT College of Arts & Sciences, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Brandon Pace, Sanders Pace Architecture
David Reynolds, Home Federal Bank of Tennessee
Doug Snover, Messer Construction
Andrew Spatz, Hedstrom Landscape Architecture
Carl Van Hoozier Jr., Retired, Vulcan Materials Company