Natural Resource Conservation at Ijams Nature Center
Ijams Nature Center is a living laboratory engaged in conservation-focused activities that have direct positive impacts on the natural areas and human lives in East Tennessee. Ijams is invested in the preservation and restoration of native habitats on its lands to serve as best practices for partners across the Southeast and is guided by the following principles:
To maintain and enhance the Nature Center's lands as a “living laboratory” of biologically diverse native habitats through:
Invasive species management
Native habitat enhancement and restoration
Sustainable trail maintenance
To lead initiatives that improve land and water quality in the region and beyond by:
Collaborating with conservation practitioners to address ecological challenges in the region
To support and carry out scientific research to:
Guide land management decisions/practices
Contribute to the body of local natural history ecology
Support conservation initiatives
Provide educational opportunities for students
Engage people through Citizen Science programs
To protect greenspace in the region by:
Acquiring adjacent lands to enhance and protect Ijams Nature Center's ecosystem
Increasing greenspace protected through partnerships within the Knoxville Urban Wilderness
Providing wildlife corridors