Every single day someone visits Ijams Nature Center, they make a connection. You can help this special place continue to grow with a gift today!
Help Ijams Nature Center Thrive!
Your donation to Ijams Nature Center supports everything from facility/trail maintenance and educational programs to conservation, research, and land management.
Please help this special place continue to grow and thrive. Be the reason more than 620,000 visitors of all ages, abilities, and walks of life can learn about and enjoy the outdoors. Donate today!
Go Green!

Be an Evergreen donor! You can spread out your support to sustain Ijams by donating in recurring monthly increments! Set an end date or leave the date open to continue your support as long as you like!
To donate by phone, please call Cindy Hassil at +1865-577-4717 ext. 1006. You also can stop by and donate in person at the Visitor Center.
Looking for Membership?
Ijams Nature Center has a new page dedicated to membership that features new member levels! Ijams memberships are valuable, fun, and interactive. Members receive special benefits, including FREE parking and access to free Members Only programs!
Other Ways to Give Back
Become a member (Ijams members park for free!)
Contribute to a donation box when you visit Ijams
Donate an item from the Ijams Wish List
Donate to Community Shares through your work giving program and choose Ijams as the beneficiary
Sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards Program and choose Ijams as the beneficiary
Together, we're building a brighter future.
Thank you for supporting Ijams Nature Center!
Ijams does not share or sell donor information to third parties.