Kids Birthdays
Birthdays at Ijams allow children to explore Ijams Nature Center with their friends! You'll find a variety of birthday options to fill the day with adventures. Register today; complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Celebrate Your Child's Birthday at Ijams!
Let your child experience the wonder of Ijams Nature Center for their next birthday party! Enjoy all the outdoor adventures Ijams has to offer, and even meet an animal or two! And don't forget, current Ijams members receive a 10% discount!
Choose one of Ijams’ birthday party packages that fits your party needs. Parties are designed for up to 20 kids or up to 35 total guests including adults.

As part of your party package, your child’s birthday will include one or more these fun, add-on experiences to create the perfect nature-themed party!
Get up close and personal with one of the animals who calls Ijams home.
Take a relaxed, 30- to 45-minute walk in the woods with a naturalist to learn more about Ijams and the creatures who live here.
Head out to the ponds to look for life! Also, watch for butterflies, birds, dragonflies, beetles, and other winged creatures! (Only available April-October)

Birthdays at Ijams are rain or shine; outdoor activities still occur during rain, mud, hot summer days, and chilly winter mornings. Party participants should dress appropriately for outdoor conditions.
*Ijams does not allow balloons of any kind at birthdays or other events.